Women are the largest consumers of dietary supplements, yet navigating the supplement industry is not only overwhelming but entirely confusing and vary rarely do you make informed purchases based on solid evidence.
There are specific dietary supplements that target energy, mental cognition, mood and physical health as well as body composition change (fat loss and muscle attenuation) for active women over 40. I have worked with thousands of women and engaged the latest research to support and perfect a specific cluster of supplements to help you soar through menopause, and I'll share my secret sauce in this Masterclass!
There are NO MAGICAL UNICORNS when it comes to pills you can take to avoid solid nutrition and exercise behaviours.
So I can guarantee I won't be selling you snake oil! What you will learn instead are the sprinkles that will help you fast-track your mood, focus your attention, reduce inflammation, attenuate muscle decline and restore your gut microbiome so you don't need to lead a perfectly 'clean' lifestyle to feel and function better.
Don't waste another dollar on being sold supplements with no evidence of effectiveness, minimal dosages that won't do anything more than be a placebo, 'proprietary blends' which keep you in the dark about exactly what is contained in there and being emotionally manipulated into consuming things you don't need to look like a celebrity photo-shopped and half your age.
In this exclusive Supplement Masterclass I will teach you what I know as an Advanced Sports Dietitian about exactly which supplements you should consider for this unique time in your life to support your diet and training to up-level your functionality and longevity and to help you perimeno-soar.
- The multi-billion dollar supplement industry
- How to spot a magical unicorn
- Sex-specific supplementation
- Supplement Framework
- Informed Sport Tested Supplements
- Adaptogens
- Supplements for body composition
- Supplements to enhance energy and reduce fatigue
- Supplements for mental health
- Supplements for physical performance
- Supplements for managing temperature
Women are the largest consumers of dietary supplements, often arriving at my doorstep with an entire suitcase of pills and powders in the hope it will solve all their problems.
Unfortunately, there is no reputable source of information you can go to help you make informed supplement decisions in a notoriously unregulated industry making billions off emotive marketing.
The Perimeno-Soar Supplement Masterclass will help you navigate the supplement industry, clarify which dietary supplements actual work considerate to the physiology of the active aging woman to support your unique needs, give you the evidence and mechanism of action, tell you how much you need to take to make meaningful effect and save you hundred$$$ of dollars in the process avoiding snake oil.
Get instant access now for just $37
Perimeno-Soar Supplement Masterclass