$37.00 AUD

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Please note, as this is a group based presentation, this webinar will be prescriptive but not specific to your individual context and as such any advice should be taken considerate to your current health and medical circumstance. It is recommended to work individually with a registered professional to ensure specific supplement prescription is tailored to you as an individual following assessment. Should you wish to arrange this with one of the Nutrition to Soar clinicians, please place a website enquiry. 

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Perimeno-Soar Supplement Masterclass

Soar through menopause with my scientific supplement formula!

In this 1 Hour LIVE Webinar you will learn:

  • The multi-billion dollar supplement industry
  • How to spot a magical unicorn
  • Sex-specific supplementation
  • Supplement Framework
  • Informed Sport Tested Supplements
  • Adaptogens
  • Supplements for body composition
  • Supplements to enhance energy and reduce fatigue
  • Supplements for mental health
  • Supplements for physical performance
  • Supplements for managing temperature


Here is your opportunity refine your skillset as a supplement sleuth, stop wasting money on potions that don't work and get the latest on the supplements that are backed by science to help you perimenosoar!